Case studies and resources
Case studies
MedStar Health | Reducing patient no-shows
By offering trips through Uber Health, MedStar Health reduced last-minute cancellations and increased fill rates by 5 to 10 per cent.
Adams Clinical | Increasing clinical trials retention
Adams Clinical saw a 20% increase in trial patient retention by offering complimentary trips with Uber Health.
Boston Medical Center | Using Uber Health across health systems
BMC saved $500K by replacing inter-facility shuttle buses with Uber Health.
Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly | Reducing social isolation
LBFE used Uber Health to give older adults greater mobility and brought independence back to their lives.
Ambulnz | API integrations
Uber Health has partnered with Ambulnz to make it easier for healthcare providers to request non-emergency medical transport for their patients.
BMC Haematology | Reducing no-shows for at-risk populations
This Boston Medical Center clinic partnered with Uber Health to offer transportation solutions for its patient community.
Cerner | Use Uber Health directly from Cerner's EHR
Cerner customers can reduce unnecessary steps and use of multiple tools when serving patients.
American Logistics Company | Partnering for better access to care
Uber Health is now available for any health plan or care organisation that uses American Logistics for non-emergency medical transportation.
Coordinator guide
Want to learn how to use the Uber Health dashboard? Follow the steps here to start requesting trips on behalf of others.
Admin Guide
Ready to understand how to create a ride programmes for your healthcare organisation? Get going in a few simple steps.
Uber Health product overview
Get a 2-page overview of Uber Health to share with your team.
Uber Health Safety Overview
Uber takes patient data, privacy and confidentiality seriously.
Uber Health API technology overview
Connect Uber's technology with your existing software through the Uber Health API.